

You know what's so great about God?
Even when everything around you seems to be falling apart, He is the one thing that remains.

The truth that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever is something repeated in churches throughout the World but sometimes I wonder if everyone truely grasps the depth that statement holds. The God of miracles, wrath, love, and tenderness in the Bible is the same God we serve today. He is the same in the good times and the bad. God doesn't waiver or change, we do. This truth is the one thing that can hold us firm in times of doubt or chaos. My God is good... ALL THE TIME and ALL THE TIME, God is GOOD! (I couldn't resist)

I find so much comfort in those sayings. He is and will always be my everything, the I AM. That is something that will never change. Something that can truely make life amazing even when circumstances weigh us down.

I can't help but give my God praise and thanks for how GREAT He is!


Well... here's to a Spirit-driven life :)

Since everyone in the world is blogging now... I thought I might start writing on mine again. Only I think my thoughts are somewhat inadequate in light of the others I have been reading (aka Hopkins duo). Oh well. But I must apologize in advance for my lack of spiritualness ness on this blog in comparison to theirs... I'm just not that deep man!

But I will say this-- GOD IS SO GOOD!!! I'm finding the more I'm willing to surrender myself, the more AMAZING He becomes... the more I take time in my day to dive into His word the more I desire to read it and the more interesting it becomes... the more I take time to talk with Him the more I feel Him... And well the more I do this the more at peace I feel. Go figure, right?

But it's just amazing to me how no matter how far I allow myself to fall from God, if I continue to make the same mistakes... He's always right there waiting for me, and each time I feel like I go deeper with Him... it's hard for me to explain (since I'm just not good at this). All I know is I'm really enjoying falling in love with my Savior all over again. Starting fresh... this time not just saying Lord I want more of you and less of me... but GOD GIVE ME ALL of YOU!!! And none of me... take everything... I know it might not be revolutionary to you but it is to me. The concept of living with purpose... living intentionaly, and truely being a Spirit-driven person is new to me.
I have never seen the difference between Spirit filled and Spirit driven... now it's clear... I'm Spirit-filled... but I'm never truely experienced what it is like to be driven by the Spirit... To live a life so full of God's purpose, so full of His mission and vision, that I can not even leave my house without direction from the Holy Spirit... That's what I want... I want God's agenda, not mine.
I know I won't be perfect in this. But I'm ready to not care about anything else and lay it all down to live a Spirit-driven life.