It's that time of year... ya know all the goals for the next year are being planned out... so inspired by a friend I thought I'd re-visit last years goals.
1. Spend time with God everyday
Ok... so I spent more time with God than normal but I can't say that I did it on a daily basis...
2. Figure out what I want to do when I graduate
HA HA HA HA... here I am four month prior to graduating and I still haven't figured this one out! oh man!
3. Go bungee jumping off a bridge
I was supposed to do this for my b-day but it didn't work out... this is my resolution again! dang it! :)
4. Dedicate more time working out for softball so I will be more on top of my game as a senior
Another funny one... see I did start working out more til I completely blew my arm out... I had surgery in the summer and now I can't really play anymore... sad...
5. Read through the whole OT
I started to do this but I only got through Judges and then I stopped... I should pick this back up... the OT is quite interesting...
6. Get to know people at church better
I think I accomplished this... too bad two of the people from church that I loved the most had to pack up and leave... oh well new year, new people...
7. Get more involved at church
I think I accomplished this as well... Youth group... life groups... ya know...
8. Go to Bolivia in May
This definately did not happen... but it was suppose to... there were just too many political issues so I couldn't go... sad
9. Get a mentor and be a mentor
I did this as well! I was being mentored by this pretty awesome person (Rachel Hopkins) but she moved away... so sad... and I meet up with a girl from the youth group once a week... it's pretty awesome
10. Stick to Weight Watchers and lose more weight
Did this for the majority of the year and I did lose more weight... however, when I stopped in like Oct it all came back rather quickly... I think it's time to pick it up again... hmmmm... shall I start the two weeks of death? I think I'm gonna start this next week...
So I guess I didn't do too bad... For this year
1. Finish reading the OT
2. Find a mentor, be a mentor (i like this one alot)
3. Start working out again
4. Weight Watchers
5. Go bungee jumping
6. Graduate! Wohoo! And figure out wht to do with my life after I graduate
7. Do my internship in El Salvador! (so excited about this one)
8. Stay involved with youth ministries (I'm actually thinking that i would love being a youth pastor one day... something I'm praying about)
9. Pray outloud more often- sieze every opporitunity I have to pray for or with someone
10. Pay off my credit card bills
Anyone have any suggestions or resolutions of their own? :)
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3:10:00 PM
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The wording of New Year's Resolution has been changed to FAITH GOALS!!! Haha, the resolutions always seem to fail!! =) But yours look amazing, all the same! Good luck and I will for sure be praying for you and accomplishing your goals with God at the forefront!!
Wow, your last first day of college starts today!! Good luck babe, it will be so much fun. Embrace this season of life.
Hey, how do you put a picture in your banner, and how do you do a new banner in general??? Haha, I suck at this so far!!!
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