-Why did God create the world and man if He knew we were going to sin and He was going to have to send His only son to die to save us? (it just doesn't make sense)
-Can someone reach a point of no improvement in their life?
-Why do I want the things I don't/can't have and don't want the things I do/can have?
-Why is it that the Church is suppose to be Christ to the world, to love others, and to have unity, but it is the one place I have felt the most rejection, hatred, and loss of self-worth?
-Do dreams ever reveal your future or God's will or are they merely our subconscious speaking?
-Why do I always make mistakes that hurt me and other people?
-Why does God always seem so far away?
-Why are people so full of hate
-Why is it so hard to find a good job when your in college?
-Why do I want to be done with school so badly but I don't want the end of the year to come?
-What do you do after you graduate college?
-I don't want to live a life of comfort.
-How can I do anything for God when I can't do anything for myself?
-Did God create other worlds or beings?
-How did Isaiah forsee all that he wrote about?
-Why can't I have the kind of faith I read about in the Bible?
-Why is it so hard to understand my own desires, dreams, feelings, and passions?
-Why won't God give me a map and take away my free will if I don't want it because I obviously can't do anything good/right with it
-Why do questions only lead to more questions?
-How do you really know or experience God's love?
Reasons for my stress:
-I don't know what I'm doing after I graduate
-I have too much to do and not enough time to do it
-I gave up something to get closer to God, but I feel like I was closer to God and pursuing Him more before I gave that something up
-Family stuff
-I can't handle my current job anymore- I need/want a new one but I can't find one
-I am behind on my homework and I can't seem to catch up
-God Stuff
-I can't figure out what God has called me to, what I want to do, what I'm passionate about, or what I'm good at or what I enjoy doing
Whats on my mind...
Posted by
10:22:00 AM
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