I was talking with my friend I few days ago about how amazing it is that God reveals who He is in different ways to different people. Each person can be moved or touched in a completely different way than the person next to them. He knows what touches our hearts and speaks to the deepest parts of our beings.
I say all of this because recently I've been so moved and touched by the beauty around me, specifically light. Light is what makes shines on creation and makes it more beautiful to the eye... It reflects off water to create a sensation that is indescribable in words, it reveals the detail of a flower or a leaf, it makes the snow sparkle, or puts a glisten on some one's face.
Last weekend as we were leaving the young adult trip to Tahoe, I could see all the beautiful trees, mountains, and snow that surrounded us on our drive. On the way there I wasn't able to enjoy this view because it was extremely dark and we had been in the car for about ten hours thanks to traffic... anyways as I observed the scene that I had missed before I was amazed... from the light reflected off the lake to the snow glistening on the mountains, that place was beautiful. The light made it beautiful. 

I sat outside to day just watching the evergreens and newly blossomed trees in the wind and my heart was filled with admiration for the creator of all this. And as cheesy as it sounds I began thinking about all of the passages in the Bible that compare us to light. Light brings out the beauty in the world, it makes creation glisten... so how much more are we called to do the same. We are the (metaphorical :)) light of the world... So shouldn't we bring out the beauty in God's creation... shine upon others and make them glisten... let God's light reflect on us so the world can see His beauty as we can see it in nature.
Just sitting outside made God's presence so much more real and allowed me to think of scriptures I've read my life in a different way. Just thought I would share...
God is amazing and his creation is beyond words to describe... He takes time to put every detail into every flower petal, every blade of grass.... he knows all the stars... and he knows me (better than I will ever know myself)... My savior is amazing and I am in awe.
every word of this is true. I recently started walking around minneapolis just to take in the scenes around me. its truely amazing how God shows himself to us, even in the smallest snow flake. good stuff!
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