(yup... I framed it :))
Now most people were surprised PK did mine and not Rachel, as was I at first, but it meant so much to me that he did...
See PK and I have talked over the previous month or so about what I wanted to do with my life (which I have no clue), what my passion is (again, no clue), what I enjoy doing (no clue), and what God has called me to do (u guessed it... no clue).
But from my many conversations with him I have really grown spritually, been challenged in my faith and way of thinknig, and discovered some of the things I am good at and enjoy... I love to serve and do things for others, I love encouraging people, I love supporting people, I'm good at connecting with teenagers, I'm passionate about what I do, and I'm a unique leader for whatever reasons that may be...
My point is... over the past few months I've gaining confidence in who I am in Christ because of his encouragement and leadership in my life...
AND nothing could top those three words... Strike the water..
They hit me deep... PK knows, more than anyone, about all this passion I have in me, this love for God... it's all there... but I bundle it up... I'm scared of it... scared if I let it out I will fail... but he told me to strike the water... To stop being timid and scared...
I guess I need to just strike the water... cross over... let the passion and love for Christ out of me so God can do amazing things through me...
And it still scares me... but PK has given me so much confidence and those three words will stay with me forever... (especially since they are framed)
I'm still trying to figure it all out... but I know I'm heading in the right direction and one day... This passion for God inside of me will be the guiding force of my life... I just have to let it...
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