Walk for Life - WCPC Walk
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11:49:00 PM
The cry of my heart to You oh Lord...
Lord, You are my Lord! Earnestly I seek You; I seek to know Your will, to know the depths of Your love, to comprehend the width of Your infinite grace, and be drenched in Your joyous peace. That my heart would be rooted in Your Word; That Your wisdom, joy, love, peace, graciousness, compassion, and faithfulness would flow from me.
Posted by
12:18:00 AM
Good vs. Bad...
Recently I've been filling out different applications, some of which ask about your strenths and weaknesses and one that asked 5 things you like about youself/ 5 things you need to work on.
I've never been good at answering these types of questions... the bad/weaknesses is ALWAYS easy for me to find and the strengths/good is very hard.
Like I know I always say too much (and don't know when to shut up or have boundaries)... I never say things the way I want to... I act on impulses and emotions... I continually analyze myself, others, and situations (I'm ALWAYS thinking)... I'm very passive aggressive... I'm insecure... I'm not a very good speaker... I'm not a good listener... I remember stupid little details and forget the big picture... I do the opposite of what I want to do a lot of times... I'm immature... Unorganized... Don't always see projects through to completion/no follow through... Too self-centered... prideful... overdramatic... scared/timid... I need clear, precise directions or I get confused... and I ALWAYS overcomplicate
Ugh... anyways...
It made me think and honestly it's like that with everything in life.
The bad is always a lot easier to remember than the good. It's easier to find/see bad in people, situations, places, etc. It's easier to pick people apart, to speak negatively, to complain. Seeing, doing, and speaking good and uplifting things is HARD! I don't understand it. Looking back in my life I can tell details of things that hurt me, I did wrong, or that didn't work out. But the good things are harder to remember. I WANT to remember the good but sometimes it's so hard to see past the bad junk in the way.
I just don't know how to clear away the junk so I can see and think on the good.
Posted by
1:34:00 PM
Me, me, mE, ME, M-E
That's the problem and the issue... me
My heart is heavy and tears are hidden constantly... it's hard to be strong and not let it show when the emotion beneath the surface is so strong.
My heart aches... where is my Savior? My Strength? My Peace? My Rock?
I yearn for Him... I seek Him... daily I kneel before Him...
I cry daily "Lord I need You, I can't do this on my own. My strength is gone. I am a failure. Mere dust, a wretched person on my own."
Yet, I feel unheard... I feel alone in this uphill battle... my cry for help is unanswered. I LOVE Him more with each passing day and still the desperation becomes more.
Here I clumsily make my way through life... breaking things here, tripping there... causing thunderstorms and showers that do not belong... Everything I do falls apart... it's wrong... it's sin... it's disgusting... it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth...
My words are hatred... pure wrath... there is no pleasure or blessing coming from my mouth. My love is imperfect, stinging, and taking blows... My heart full of jealousy, pride, and contempt.
Lord purify me... make me new! I'm nothing but mere dust without You! Help me Father because I can't do it on my own... I don't have the strength or wisdom to get through without You! I'm desperate... barely holding on! I am the cause of my own agony... save me from myself! Teach me to daily walk in fear of You! To love with all I am... to show grace and mercy the way You show it to me. Help me to guard my mind and my tongue... Take away the evil thoughts and desires of my heart... replace them with the pureness of You. Teach me Your ways... bless me with Your wisdom. Teach me to love others, to uplift with my words and not bring destruction. Search me God, make my faults known. I need You, I want You! HELP ME GOD!
Posted by
8:17:00 AM
Thank you Jesus!
I'm so glad I'm merely human and that it's ok to make mistakes... because well, I'm far from perfect.
Posted by
1:08:00 AM
I'm engaged!!! Wohoo!!!
Posted by
9:19:00 PM
Hoping for something truly new this new year...
Posted by
11:05:00 PM